To access the template manager, navigate to the "Settings" icon on the left hand menu and then select "Template Manager".
As a Provider-Admin you will have access to view, edit and delete all availability and time off entries that are listed here.
Entries can be created from this page directly or the providers can add their own availability from their calendar page, see this article for further information on provider's setting their own availability.
Snapshot information is now viewable as seen in the above screenshot you will now be able to quickly reference an entry's location, healthcare service, provider, start and end time and whether the appointment is recurring.
To edit an entry, select the pen icon on the right hand side of the entry.
To create a new entry, select the "New Availability" button on the right hand side and complete the relevant information.
Important Tips:
- If your organization is using the online booking feature, provider availability must be setup for this to work correctly
- If you have configured online booking to match a provider's availability and there are no time slots appearing on the booking page, it could be due to a duplicate entry in the availability area. Please cross check all entries listed in the template manager to ensure that the provider does not have any conflicting entries (open time slots, overlapping healthcare services for a specific time slot etc.).
- If you are unable to locate the issue please reach out to us by sending an email to
- We recommend sticking to a strict naming policy internally when creating availability so that it is a more consistent experience for admins to be able to go through the entries
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