Table of Contents
- Navigating to the Invoice Creation Window
- The Create Invoice Window
- What Appears on an Invoice?
- Troubleshooting
Navigating to the Invoice Creation Window
There are five methods to navigate to the invoice creation window.
The five methods are the following:
Creating an Invoice from the Client Profile
- Navigate to the Client profile
- Clicking the 'Create Invoice' button on the upper right will open the Create Invoice window
Creating an Invoice from the Appointment Page
- Navigate to the appointment details page from the Calendar or Appointments screen
Navigating to the Appointments screen from the left navigation window will show the following:
Clicking on the appointment date/time will open the appointment details page.
Navigating to the Calendar page from the left hand navigation bar will show your schedule as a calendar, clicking on the appropriate appointment will navigate to the appointment details page. - Clicking the 'Create Invoice' button on the upper right will open the Create Invoice window
Creating an Invoice when Appointment is Marked as Completed
For this option to work, the Auto-pop-up Create Invoice Modal when Appointment is completed checkbox must be checked under Billing in Organization Settings. An user with a Provider-Admin role type will be required to do this.
When enabled the Create Invoice window will appear when an appointment's status is changed to Completed.
This is done two ways, either directly changing the status or selecting Complete Appointment when leaving an appointment.
Updating an Appointment Status
- Navigate to the appointment details page
- Click on the Status dropdown on the left hand side
- Select Completed and the Create Invoice window will appear
Marking an Appointment as Completed at the end of the Session
- Click the Leave Call button
- Select Complete Appointment and the Create Invoice window will appear
Creating an Invoice from the Calendar
- Click Calendar in the left navigation window
- Locate the appointment you would like to create an invoice for
- Clicking this icon
will open the Create Invoice window
Creating an Invoice from Invoices
- Navigate to Invoices from the left navigation bar
- Click on 'Create Invoice' on the upper right will open the Create Invoice window
The Create Invoice Window
Once you have navigated to the Create Invoice window you can generate the invoice by following these steps:
- Select the Client name *
- Prefilled when creating an invoice directly from an appointment
- Select the Appointment from the dropdown *
- Prefilled when creating an invoice directly from an appointment
- Billing Provider *
- Prefilled based on the primary provider listed on the appointment
- Select Fee Program * from the dropdown
- Prefilled based on the client's default fee program listed under Coverage and Insurance within their details
- Select Billing Template * from the dropdown
- Prefilled based on Billing Configuration (Healthcare Service, Provider linking)
- Add additional service items if necessary by pressing the '+' and selecting a service code from the dropdown
- Enter an optional message to the invoice
- Select Payment Method
- Send Invoice (Stripe) - Will generate and forward an invoice from Stripe (Requires organization Stripe account and configuration under Settings->Payment Configuration)
- Card on File - Will bill the client's primary card they have listed on their patient profile (Requires organization Stripe account and configuration under Settings->Payment Configuration and Patient Portal to be turned on and activated for the client)
- Payment processed externally via debit, credit, transfer, cash - For when payment is received in another manner. Selecting this option provides more options on the invoice creation screen. The invoice can be marked as paid, as well the following information can be included:
- Authorization No. - Will prefill if it is configured under client's Coverage and Insurance section within their details
- Case No. - Will prefill if it is configured under client's Coverage and Insurance section within their details
- Session No.
- Third Party Payers - For more information, please refer here
- Click Send Invoice to forward the invoice to the client or Save as Draft to save it for later
What appears on an Invoice?
The invoice generated by the system will use the organization colours and logos that configured in your organizational settings.
- Organization Information
- Organization logo and name will appear in this section and can be configured under Settings -> Organization Settings
- An address will also appear in this section, what address appears depends on the following
- If you are using Stripe for payments, it will show your business address configured within your Stripe account
- Otherwise it will show the address set for the Location where the appointment occurred.
- Receipt Status
- Overall status of the invoice it can be Sent, Paid, Void, or Uncollectible
- Status can be viewed and manually updated under Invoices
- Client Information
- The Clients name will be listed in this section
- Provider Information
- This section will list the name of the provider on the appointment, as well as any professional designations or supervisor information that is required. This information can be configured within Settings -> Billing Setup, for more information please refer here.
- Invoice Information
- This section will have information about the invoice such as generation date, and id.
- Service Details
- Service details such as the date/time and healthcare service name will appear here
- Service Items
- This is where service codes will appear as line items on the invoice
Why is my invoice not prefilling?
Please check that the client has a default fee program saved to their profile.
To check this you will need to first navigate to the clients profile on the system and click on the Edit Client Details in the upper right.
Navigate to the Coverage and Insurance section and confirm that Default Fee Program has been set. Once a default fee program has been set, press Save. -
Check the “Billing Template” area to ensure details are correctly enabled
Billing template needs to be linked to the fee program and healthcare service relevant to appointment
Check that there are no duplicate entries in the “Tax” area as conflicting tax codes will stop the system from prefilling a billing template.
If there are provider splits on that specific template. Ensure all providers that require access to the template are listed even if they don’t have a specific split
Why isn’t my service code appearing in the drop down on my Billing template?
- Ensure that the correct fee program has been selected and that it has "Service Codes" configured and that they were not configured as ‘Specialty Codes” or “Diagnostic Codes”
Why can't I bill my client?
- If the Create Invoice button is greyed out on the appointment page, please confirm that "Create invoice for past appointments" is enabled within Settings -> Access Management. Please note that a provider-admin will be required to do this.
How do I send a Receipt?
- Please refer to the support article here for more details on how to create a receipt
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