Table of Contents
How to Upload A Document in Session
Documents can be uploaded in a video session for other participants to view using the following steps:
1. Click the paper clip button
2. Click the "Select Files" button.
3. A window containing all the files on your device will appear. Locate and select the file you would
like to upload.
4. Click the "Upload" button.
5. Once the upload is complete your file will appear as a link in the Documents section of the Shared
Documents window.
Reviewing an Uploaded Document
Documents shared during a session or questionnaires linked when an appointment was created can both be viewed in session. To do so please do the following:
- Click the paper clip button
- Click on the file or questionnaire you would like to open
- The file will either open in your browser (ex. PDF) or will download to your computer (ex. .doc, .jpg, .png)
Example #1: Opening a PDF Document
Opening a shared PDF document will look like this:
1. Click the paper clip button
2. Click on the .pdf file you wish to open.
3. The PDF file will automatically open in a separate browser window in which you can view it.
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Example #2: Opening a .doc or .docx document
.docx or .doc files that are shared through the video session can be opened using the following steps:
1. Click the paper clip button
2. Click on the .doc or .docx file you wish to open.
3. A blank browser window will appear with the .doc or .docx file download found at the bottom of
the window.
4. Click on the downloaded .doc or .docx file and it will automatically open the file in Microsoft Word.
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