Appointment Details
The “Appointment Details” page is available for every appointment to provide the important information pertaining to the appointment and the client. A user can then jump to the client’s chart and documents from this page after familiarizing themselves with the case. This page is accessible via the Calendar, Appointments, or Patient Profile.
1. The Appointment Information panel displays:
- Healthcare Service (e.g., First Assessment, Follow up)
Visit Reason
- Location of appointment
- Date of Appointment and its start and end time
- Appointment Referral status (if appointment is associated to a referral)
- Appointment status
- Appointment substatus
- Client Confirmation
2. The video session can also be joined from the “Appointments Details” page by clicking “Join Video Session” in the top right corner
1. Select Manage Participants to add or delete participants
2. Type in the name or email of the participant you would like to add and click “Invite”
3. Clicking the 3 vertical dots on the right of the participants name allows for more functions:
- Access Client Profile
- Access Sessions
- Resent Invite (Email and/or SMS)
- Remove User from appointment
- Copy Appointment Link
- Copy Access Code
Note: Client Alerts can also be seen in the Client's Profile.
1. Upload and view attachment(s) to this appointment.
2. The Appointment Audit Log shows any activity that has happened with the selected appointment (e.g., creation details, updated details).
3. See the appointment history of the client.
4. Billing as well can be completed from the Appointment Details page. See the Billing section to learn how to add or edit an invoice.
5. A Questionnaire status can be viewed, edited, and resent from the Appointment Details page.
- See the Client Administration section to learn how to view, edit and delete a Questionnaire.
- See the Sessions section to learn how to import a completed Questionnaire.
6. The Client Details panel displays:
- Any patient alerts in the “Alerts” section and a button to “Edit Alert”
- Phone number of the patient
- If applicable, the Referring Provider
- If applicable, the Referring Status
- Client Notes are created by users for the selected appointment.
Accessing Appointment Details
There are three ways to access a scheduled appointment’s details:
- Click on Calendar
- Click on the appointment
- Click on Appointments
- Click on the appointment’s Date/Time
Patient Profile (CPP)
- Click on the appointment from the Clients’s CPP (CPP > Appointment card).
See an overview of a provider’s day by using the Daysheet in the Appointments page.
1. If applicable, select one or multiple providers to view their schedules.
2. Select a day to see the schedule for it.
3. Select an appointment confirmation status to filter the appointments.
4. Select an Invoice Status to filter the appointments.
5. Review the overview of clients’s appointment information.
6. See where the appointment will be taking place.
7. Create an invoice (only applicable with Billing Integration Module).
8. See the patient’s appointment history.
Session Notes
Users can document client appointments by creating session notes (previously known as Encounter Notes). It can be accessed by going to the Client Profile and clicking the Sessions button at the top.
On the Sessions page of an appointment, CPP cards and History of session of history notes are displayed on the left and the section to enter Session Notes is on the right.
Creating Session Notes
Session Duration displays the running time it takes for your documentation during an appointment if your organization requires this information for billing purposes. Start the timer by clicking the Play button
, pause the time with the Pause button
and stop the timer with the Stop button
- The Start Time and Stop Time timestamps for the session note are displayed here.
- Select a Session Template, if applicable. Alternatively, you can create a Session Template after completing an outline for your note and then clicking the Save as Template button.
- Expand or collapse the Session Notes toolbar to allow for more space on the screen.
- Type any notes or complete the session template in this section.
- Click the Import Questionnaire Response button if you want to import questionnaire responses to the Session Note.
- Click the Create button to save the session note so that it can be edited at a later time.
Once the session note is created the following buttons will appear at the bottom of the Session Note panel.
1. Again, you have the opportunity to Import Questionnaire Responses to the Session Note.
2. If any changes have been made to the note since it has been created, click Save Note to save the changes.
3. Click Complete Note once the session note is finalized.
View, Edit, Delete and Fax Session Notes
Session notes can be viewed, edited, deleted and faxed to other providers.
- Click View All Notes to see all the session notes created for the client consecutively, in chronological order on one document.
- To create a new session note, click New Note.
- View the session note on a document page.
- Edit the session note by clicking this button.
Fax the session note to another provider.
- Delete the session note permanently from the clients’s record.
Statuses of the session note.
In Progress: If the session note has been created, edited and saved only.
Completed: If the session note has been marked as complete.
Importing a Completed Questionnaire
Completed questionnaires can converted to unstructured format and imported into the session notes for that patient.
- In the Sessions page for the client, click on the Import Questionnaire Response button.
- In the modal, click on the dropdown and select the completed questionnaire and click on the questionnaire you want to import.
- Click on the Import button.
- You will find the unstructured version of the questionnaire in the session notes.
Generating Reports and Sending to Providers
Before sending the report to a provider, confirm their information using the Report Fax Confirmation
- Select a new provider (if applicable).
- Verify/Edit provider’s details.
- A preview of the report can be viewed by clicking “Preview”.
- To fax the report to the provider click “Send Report”.
Creating a Session Note Template
1. Create the template in the text editor.
2. Click “Save as Template” to save the template for future use.
3. Enter a name for the template.
4. Click “Save” to save the template for future use.
View Session Notes History
While completing a session note, you can view/edit past session notes by viewing the session history.
1. Click on the “History” tab next to CPP.
2. The list of past session notes are displayed. A particular note can be viewed by clicking the “Preview” button.
3. All session notes can be viewed at one time by clicking the “View all” button.
4. To print a session note within the “View All” pop-up, right-click within the note and select “Print”.
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