Table of Contents
Booking an Appointment From the Calendar Tab
To book an appointment from the Calendar tab please take these steps:
- Navigate to the Calendar by clicking on the Calendar icon from the left hand navigation bar
- Click on New Appointment on the right hand side of the screen
Click on an open time slot in the calendar
- Complete the appointment details, for more information please see here
- Creating an appointment by clicking on the Calendar will pre-load the start time
- Click Create Appointment
Booking an Appointment from the Appointments Tab
To book an appointment from the Appointments tab please take these steps:
- Navigate to the daysheet by clicking on the Appointments icon from the left hand navigation bar
- Click on New Appointment on the right hand side
- Complete the appointment details, for more information please see here
- Click Create Appointment
Booking an Appointment from the Client's Profile
To book an appointment from a client's profile, take the following steps:
- Navigate to the client's profile (For example from the My Clients or All Clients list)
- Click on the '+' icon under the Appointments card
- Complete the appointment details, for more information please see here
- Creating the appointment from a client profile will preload the client name
- Click Create Appointment
Creating an Appointment
Add Participants: Here you can select an existing provider or client from the dropdown or add a guest. Guests are users who are not on the system and are invited with their email.
- To add a guest, you enter their email and then click enter on your keyboard and they will appear under the 'Guest' column
- Create New Client: Clicking this button will allow you to create a new client and book with them all in the same step
- Select/Confirm Date: Here you can select the date for the appointment
- Start Time: The start time of the appointment. This will be prefilled if you create the appointment by clicking on an available calendar slot
End Time: This will be automatically calculated based on the start time and the duration of the selected healthcare service but can be manually updated when needed
- Appointments can be a maximum of 240 minutes (4 hours) long
- Recurrence: Here you can configure if this is a repeating appointment. For more details please read here.
- Location: Select the appointment's location from the dropdown. The list will show all locations that the primary provider has been added to. More information on adding providers to locations can be found here.
- Healthcare Service: Select the healthcare service for the appointment. This will affect the End Time of the appointment
- Reason for Visit: Here you can include the reason why the client is booking the appointment or topics they would like to discuss
- Calendar View: If you would rather directly select the appointment time and date you have a complete calendar where you are able to select a time slot by clicking on it.
- Create Appointment / Cancel: When done filling in the appointment details, click Create Appointment to book it or Cancel if you would not like to book the appointment.
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